See our previous post to for full guide on diabetes, how to care after a parent with diabetes can be taken care of in a variety of different ways.

How To Care After A Parent With Diabetes

Although taking care of a diabetic parent might be difficult, it can also be fulfilling. Here’s are  ways to  care after a parent with diabetes

Speak with a medical expert

First, discuss how to care for your diabetic parent with a healthcare professional. They can create a care strategy that is tailored to your parent’s requirements. Regular check-ups, blood tests, and other medical appointments could be part of this care plan.

Additionally, they can provide you with information about symptoms and risks to watch out for as well as offer specialized advice on drugs, symptom management, and other matters.

Purchase a device to monitor blood sugar levels.

Your parent will need to routinely monitor their blood sugar levels. A continuous glucose monitor (CGM), which is a tiny sensor that is put under the skin and records blood sugar levels continuously, can be used to perform this instead of using a device that pricks the finger and draws a tiny amount of blood. Unsurprisingly, you can buy a variety of glucose monitors online or elsewhere, but it’s better to speak with a doctor to make sure you’re using the right one for your parent’s particular needs.

If your parent has trouble using their hands or pricking their fingers, you might need to assist them. By monitoring their blood sugar levels and alerting them when they need to check or take medication, you can also assist.

Encourage Dietary Change

Anyone with diabetes has to eat well, yet making changes to one’s diet can be challenging. You can assist by working with your parent to plan and prepare meals. Look for recipes with little sugar or bad fats.

By accompanying your parent grocery shopping and assisting them in selecting nutritious items, you can also promote healthier eating habits. Additionally, when dining out as a group, try to choose establishments with a healthy cuisine. Additionally, eat a nutritious dinner yourself to demonstrate your support for your parent.

Also Read: Top 5 Foods That Prevent Caregiver Burnout

Get Moving

Exercise is a crucial component of diabetes management. Both weight loss and blood sugar regulation are aided by it. By exercising alongside them or helping them find other activities they love, you may encourage your parents’ efforts to lead active lifestyles.


Diabetes has been proven to benefit from exercise in a number of ways:

  • decreases the likelihood of developing diabetes in the first place
  • increased glucose tolerance, which reduces the need for medication to control blood sugar levels.
  • reduces the likelihood of acquiring more severe diabetes problems by helping to manage stress
  • aids in weight management

For those with diabetes, swimming, walking, and biking are all excellent forms of exercise. And your parent might be interested in the many exercise classes designed exclusively for those with diabetes.

Experts advise waiting about an hour after eating before engaging in any physical exercise. This will assist in controlling blood sugar levels. When exercising away from home, your parent should bring water, their diabetes ID tag or card, glucose pills or a carbohydrate snack in case of emergency. Regular blood sugar checks are essential for staying safe while exercising.

Help them to Reduce Stress

It’s crucial for people with diabetes to learn how to manage stress because it can raise blood sugar levels. By being present for your parent when they need to chat, you may assist.

Additionally, you can assist them in finding stress-relieving activities like yoga (or chair yoga), meditation, or deep breathing techniques. A therapist or counselor may be able to help them if their stress levels are persistently high.

Additionally, your parent can use meditation applications to provide them with guidance. These apps consist of:

  • Calm
  • Headspace
  • Timer
  • Balance
  • BetterMe

Treat Emotional Problems

Depression is frequently a result of diabetes. Because of this, it’s critical to recognize the symptoms of depression and seek assistance if your parent demonstrates any of them.

Feeling down or hopeless, losing interest in previously enjoyed things, sleeping excessively or insufficiently, having difficulties focusing, and constantly being weary are all signs of depression. Speak with a doctor if you observe any of these symptoms. Your parent may be able to manage their depression with the use of drugs and particular actions.

Motivate them to give up smoking

Smoking poses a serious risk to diabetics. Numerous health issues, such as heart disease and stroke, might be brought on by it. Additionally, smoking can impair circulation, which can result in troubles with the hands and feet.

Encourage your parents to stop smoking if they do so. Medication, counseling, and support groups are just a few of the tools offered to smokers to help them stop.

Promote regular self-checks.

Your parent should regularly examine their body for injuries such as cuts, blisters, and calluses. This is due to the possibility that people with diabetes may experience issues with their circulation, which could make it challenging for wounds to heal.

You can assist your parent by telling them to inspect their feet each day and by assisting them if they are having trouble getting to their feet. If you see any issues with their feet, call a podiatrist and assist them in trimming their nails.

Your parent should examine their skin for sores or illnesses in addition to their feet. They should consult a doctor right soon if they detect anything.

Advising People To Join A Support Group

Diabetes is difficult to manage, and your parent could feel isolated in their struggle. They can get the emotional help they need from a support group to deal with their diagnosis.

Numerous offline and online support groups are available. By conducting some research or speaking with their doctor, you can assist your parent in locating a group that matches their needs.

Encourage them to get regular sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for those with type 2 diabetes. It can lower the risk of problems and aid with blood sugar regulation.

You can take a few actions to aid your parent in getting a restful night’s sleep. Make sure their bedroom is first calm, cool, and dark. Encourage them to create a regular sleep regimen secondly. Third, stay away from alcohol and caffeine before bed.

Consult a doctor if your parent is experiencing trouble falling asleep. Numerous drugs are available that can treat insomnia.

Make Sure They Take Their Medicine Correctly

Your parent needs to take their medication exactly as directed. If they are taking insulin, this also applies to them. When medication is not taken as directed, issues including high or low blood sugar levels can result.

Reminding your parent to take their medication and making sure they are doing it properly are two ways you may help. If you have any questions about their medicine, you can also speak with their doctor.

Maintain Proper Grooming

Gum disease and dry mouth are two oral health issues that diabetes can cause. To avoid these issues, it’s critical for your parent to consistently clean and floss their teeth. They should also visit a dentist for a thorough cleaning every six months.

It’s possible that your parent’s skin needs particular attention as well. Diabetes increases a person’s risk of getting skin conditions including fungus infections. You can assist by ensuring that your parent moisturizes and washes their skin every day. Additionally, you ought to advise them to visit a dermatologist if they experience any issues.

Think About Getting A Caregiver

Finally, there might be a time when you need to think about hiring a caregiver. It might be difficult to care after a parent with diabetes alone; you might need assistance. A caregiver is able to offer psychological, practical, and physical support.

Make careful to conduct your research before hiring a caregiver. You need to locate a trustworthy someone with knowledge of diabetes care.

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